Mombasa: 50,000 Students and 400 Teachers to Gain Digital Skills and Computing Expertise
Published on 05/11/2024

By Allan Kai



Tech Kidz Africa has launched the Advancing Computing Literacy Project in partnership with the Raspberry Pi Foundation and the Mombasa County Government's Department of Education and Digital Transformation. The project aims to revolutionize education by providing over 50,000 students across 80 schools with essential digital skills.


The unveiling occurred at Khadija Primary School in the presence of notable figures, including Mombasa County Governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir, County Executive Committee Member Dr. Kame Mbwarali, Paul Akwabi, Founder of Tech Kidz Africa, SSP Jostina Mwang'ombe in charge of Shimo Borstal Institution, and others.

Mombasa County Governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir, (right) and County Executive Committee Member Dr. Kame Mbwarali Photo: Courtesy


In a press release, the project aims to bridge the digital gap by offering hands-on training and innovative learning experiences, ensuring teachers are well-equipped for the digital era in education.


Governor Shariff Nassir, expressing gratitude to the stakeholders, remarked, "I want to thank Tech Kidz Africa, Raspberry Pi, the county government's education department, and the teachers joining us today. We need to evolve and align with global trends. Today's children are more digitally inclined than ever before. I'm proud that Mombasa is leading in digital transformation, ensuring our children are exposed to the positive aspects of digital advancement."

Mombasa Governor Shariff Nassir addresses the Advancing Computing Literacy Project Launch attendees at Khadija Primary School. Photo: Courtesy.


Tech Kidz Africa described the project as a professional development journey for teachers, empowering them to adapt, innovate, and lead in evolving educational and technological landscapes.


Students from various schools in Mombasa demonstrated digital and technical skills acquired from the project, while teachers expressed joy at the opportunity to impart these skills to young learners.

Tech Kidz Africa Founder Paul Akwabi taking the governor through some basics regarding the equipment donated at the school. Photo: Courtesy.


According to Tech Kidz's social media statement, the project aims to revolutionize youth computing education through curriculum development, educator training, community involvement, and continuous evaluation. It represents a significant stride toward building a digitally competent society and reducing the digital gap.


The project includes developing a new computing curriculum and providing computers to Khadija Primary School, a collaborative effort by the Mombasa County Government, Raspberry Pi Foundation, and Tech Kidz Africa, among other partners.

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