Inevitable consequences of past choices
05/04/2023 15:00 in Climate

By Diana Wambui

Plastics have become very common in our daily lives, but their impact on the environment and human health is a growing concern. From water bottles to food packaging, plastics are used in nearly every industry due to their flexibility, durability, and low cost.

However, the world’s reliance on plastics is a result of decisions made by previous generations, who prioritized short-term benefits over long-term consequences.

According to historical records, the first synthetic plastic was created in 1907, revolutionizing the manufacturing industry. Since then, the production of plastics has increased significantly, with consumer demand driving innovation and expansion in the industry.

Despite their popularity, plastics have been found to have negative effects on the environment and human health. They are not biodegradable, which means they can take hundreds of years to break down. Additionally, they release harmful chemicals when they degrade, contaminating soil and water.

As concern over the impact of plastics on the environment grows, many are calling for a transition to more sustainable alternatives. However, this presents new challenges, as the long-term effects of these alternatives are not yet fully understood.

The story of plastics is a cautionary tale of how decisions made by previous generations can have far-reaching consequences. As we look to the future, it is important to consider the potential impact of our choices and work towards more sustainable solutions that can benefit both people and the planet.