Start 09/24/2024 at 09:00
End 09/24/2024 at 18:00


The Mombasa Youth Dialogue is a significant event focused on engaging and empowering young
individuals in the maritime, shipping, and blue economy sectors. This event provides a platform for
meaningful discussions and interactions among industry stakeholders, educational institutions,
regulators, and aspiring young professionals. It aims to bridge the gap between these groups, fostering
dialogue on key issues impacting the maritime sector and promoting sustainable practices, career
opportunities, and innovative solutions.
The Mombasa Youth Dialogue is Dedicated To:
1. Empowering YoThe Mombasa Youth Dialogue is a significant event focused on engaging and empowering young
individuals in the maritime, shipping, and blue economy sectors. This event provides a platform for
meaningful discussions and interactions among industry stakeholders, educational institutions,
regulators, and aspiring young professionals. It aims to bridge the gap between these groups, fostering
dialogue on key issues impacting the maritime sector and promoting sustainable practices, career
opportunities, and innovative solutions.uth: Providing young people with knowledge, networking opportunities, and inspiration to
contribute to the maritime industry's growth and sustainability.
2. Fostering Dialogue: Creating a space for industry stakeholders and youth to discuss challenges,
opportunities, and advancements in the maritime and shipping sectors.
3. Promoting Sustainable Practices: Highlighting the importance of environmental sustainability within
the maritime sector and exploring ways to achieve it.
4. Bridging the Skills Gap: Strengthening partnerships between educational institutions and the maritime
sector to address the skills gap and prepare the next generation of maritime professionals.
5. One-on-One Conversations: Facilitating discussions with government officials, including cabinet
ministers and permanent secretaries aligned with the Blue Economy